German Shepherd Terminology For Reading German Pedigrees
German titles and ratings on pedigree:
The credentials of the German Shepherds that comprise our World Class Breeding stock speak for themselves. All are 100% West German
bloodlines with Koerklasse 1. To achieve this coveted Koerklasse 1 (KKL1) rating, the dogs must compete for titles in Germany or America
under the rules and auspices of the Club for German Shepherd Dogs (SV) in Germany. To meet this World Standard, each dog must have a
companion dog temperament test (B), and certified hips ("a" stamp or OFA), a 12 mile endurance test followed by examination for physical soundness
(AD), and compete at a show to achieve a conformation rating of at least SG or "very good" ( V or "Excellent" being the best at any show that is
not the National Championship or Sieger Show where the coveted "Excellent Select" or VA can be awarded once a year to only the very best dogs).
These requirements make the dog eligible to enter a Koerung (to qualify for breeding) which is a Breed Survey where the dog is carefully evaluated
for excellence of structure, temperament and courage. These impressive requirements are only guidelines for our dedication to the breed.
Angekoert = Breed Surveyed (recommended for breeding)
Koerklasse 1 = (KKL1) Especially recommended for breeding
Koerklasse 2 = (KKL2) Suitable for breeding. Dog may have a structural or protection work fault which could be compensated for by bloodlines or
working qualities. May be resurveyed and reclassified at a later date.
(*) = This symbol before a dog's name means it has been surveyed and approved for breeding.
"A" = Dog's hips have been x-rayed and certified acceptable. Required for Breed Survey.
LG Landesgruppen (Regional) Show. There are approximately 1500 German Shepherd Dog clubs in Germany and these are under the
jurisdiction of the 15 Landesgruppen clubs. The LG Shows are larger than the local shows and the judging and rating requirements are stricter.
Landesgruppen Sieger and Siegerin titles are awarded.
VA (Vorzuglich Auslese) Excellent Select title that is only awarded at the Annual Sieger Show Select Class.
V (Vorzuglich) Excellent
SG (Sehr Gut) Very Good
G (Gut) Good
A (Ausreichend) Sufficient
M ( Mangelhaft) Faulty
O (Zero) Failed
U Unsatisfactory
CACIB = A European International Champion
SchH/IPO (Schutzhund) For dogs who have passed the examinations for obedience, protection and tracking. The titles 1,2, and 3 denote how
advanced the training tests were. Dog must have at least a SchH1/IPO1 to be Breed Surveyed.
AD (Ausdauerpruefung) The dogs passed an endurance test by gaiting approximately six miles per hour for about nine miles with a ten minute
rest halfway, and a simple Obedience Test at the end. The dog is given a simple physical examination after the test. A requirement for the Breed Survey.